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​Parrot breeding brings wealth to Rugao farmers


Updated: 2023-09-22

Yuan Hao, a farmer in Motou town, Rugao, has loved birds since he was a child. He turned his hobby into a lucrative business by raising various kinds of parrots in his more than 4,000-square-meter base.

Yuan faced many challenges at the beginning of his breeding journey. He had to learn the hatching technology of chicks and customize the diet for each kind of parrot according to the season and growth stage. He had paid great attention to hygiene and disinfection and ensure that the parrots had boiled water to drink.

Parrot breeding season lasts from February to August every year. Yuan used an incubator for artificial breeding and monitored the temperature and humidity carefully. The hatching and survival rate both exceeded 80 percent.

Yuan used e-commerce platforms to expand his sales channels. His parrots were sold to more than 10 regions across the country, and he sold more than 400 pairs of parrots each year, earning more than 1 million yuan ($137,294).

Yuan also hired residents from nearby villages to work at his base. Ji Chunhong, a worker at Yuan's base, was very satisfied with her work and income, "I earn more than 3,500 yuan a month for cleaning up and feeding the parrots. I'm lucky to see parrots every day and listen to their beautiful bird calls."


A parrot raised at Yuan Hao's base. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]