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Annual chrysanthemum show kicks off in Nantong

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2023-11-01


A chrysanthemum landscape at the 2023 Nantong Chrysanthemum Exhibition. [Photo/ourjiangsu]

The annual chrysanthemum exhibition came as expected to Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, on Nov 1 and will run for one month.

Taking place at Nantong Botanical Garden, the exhibition showcases chrysanthemum landscapes, flower arrangement, and bonsai, as well as organized chrysanthemum-themed fairs and shows.

Visitors can explore 13 chrysanthemum landscapes throughout the garden, each of which covers an area of at least 200 square meters. At least 60 percent of each landscape is made up of chrysanthemums.


A Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area-themed chrysanthemum landscape at the 2023 Nantong Chrysanthemum Exhibition. [Photo/ourjiangsu]

They can also appreciate nearly 300 species of chrysanthemums at the event and learn about the latest achievements made by Nantong in protecting, introducing, and cultivating the flower.

Rambling along through the chrysanthemum-themed fairs, visitors can find cultural and creative products inspired by the chrysanthemum and taste delicacies made from it, including tea, wine, and light refreshments.


A vast stretch of chrysanthemums at the 2023 Nantong Chrysanthemum Exhibition. [Photo/ourjiangsu]

To create a strong atmosphere for the annual exhibition, organizers also arranged different kinds of chrysanthemums at Tangzha Park and Zhongxin Island Science Museum and decorated the main roads and green spaces in urban area with the flower.

In 1982, the chrysanthemum was identified as the city flower of Nantong and in 1999, the chrysanthemum variety base in Nantong received recognition from the China Chrysanthemum Research Association. Since then, the city has been commissioned to preserve Chinese chrysanthemums.