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Rugao's elderly care model attracts attention


Updated: 2023-11-08

Check out the video to learn more about the elderly care model in Rugao, a county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Video/JiangsuNow International Communication Center]

Rugao, a county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu province, is reputed for its longevity. A video work featuring Rugao-style elderly care recently won the first prize of the 33rd China News Award for international communication.

A team led by architect Adam Brillhart surveyed Jiangsu in 2022 and observed how "home" changed over the past decade. They also saw how the rebuilt urban and rural spaces improved people's lives and social governance.

The Xinhua Media Group produced Home Story in Jiangsu, a series of videos on Jiangsu in the past decade from a foreign perspective. The fifth episode features Wudingyuan in Rugao, a community that renovated its facilities for the elderly and provided Chinese-style elderly care.

In recent years, Rugao has renovated old communities based on their local conditions and asked people what they need, aiming to provide a better living environment for residents, especially the elderly.