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Nantong development area acknowledged for robust growth

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2024-01-04


Aerial view of NETDA. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_78ba52d6e1ed]

The Ministry of Commerce announced on Dec 28 its 2023 evaluation results for the comprehensive development levels of national economic and technological development zones, with the Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area ranking 21st among 230 national-level such zones, rising 18 places from the previous year.

As a national high-level platform for opening-up, NETDA, in Jiangsu province, has moved to the forefront of championing high-quality development.

To expand its economic scale, the development area has fully explored new growth points by integrating corporate resources and systematically cultivated manufacturing enterprises, thereby significantly enhancing the area's GDP growth rate.

Focusing on innovation-driven development, NETDA has prioritized attracting and nurturing scientific and technological resources to continuously enhance independent innovation capabilities. The potential for fostering diversified and highly competitive enterprises has been maximized, with particular emphasis on strengthening strategic emerging industries.

Industrial structure optimization has been a key priority, propelling the transformation and upgrading of the development area. NETDA has also accelerated green technological improvement, reducing energy consumption and improving productivity efficiency.