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Rugao telescope manufacturer promotes sky observation


Updated: 2024-04-07


Middle school students from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu try telescopes at Nantong Schmidt Opto-electrical Technology. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

A group of students from Zhenjiang No 3 Middle School recently had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the marvels and romance of astronomical observation at Nantong Schmidt Opto-electrical Technology, located in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu province.

During their visit, the students explored Schmidt's astronomical science popularization base, production workshops, and telescope museum. They not only experienced the fascination of astronomical observation but also gained insights into the craftsmanship behind telescope production.

According to Liu Xiaohai, a research and development engineer at the company, Schmidt has committed itself to the popularization of astronomical science in recent years to inspire more interest in astronomy. The company has launched telescope courses, organized activities with schools and communities, and developed various entry-level products that are easy to operate, making astronomy more accessible and enabling more people to behold the beauty of the night sky.

"In addition to entry-level products and mid-to-high-end products for astronomy enthusiasts, we are also advancing into the field of large observatory-class telescopes," Liu said. Currently, the company is developing telescopes with an aperture of up to 600 millimeters.


Different types of telescopes manufactured by Nantong Schmidt Opto-electrical Technology. [Photo/Nantong Daily]