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Xiaci, or fried flour balls

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2024-05-13


A mixture of flour, chopped green onion, and salt. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

The human stomach holds memories much like the mind, with each individual having an unforgettable dish that brings comfort to their soul. For the people of Hai'an in Nantong, Jiangsu province, such a dish is xiaci, or fried flour balls—a local delicacy that epitomizes culinary nostalgia and regional pride.

Although its Chinese name contains "虾", meaning shrimp in English, there are no shrimp in xiaci, whose delicious taste mainly comes from the perfect harmony between salt and chopped green onion.


A ball is squeezed out between forefinger and thumb. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

How is xiaci made?

Boiled water is poured onto flour, and the flour is then stirred after it cools down and seasoned with chopped green onion and a pinch of salt. A strong fragrance will immediately permeate the air.


Residents of Hai'an buy xiaci from a vendor. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

When the mixture becomes fine and smooth, it is time to fry it. A handful of the mixture is forged into a smooth ball and squeezed out from between the forefinger and thumb. Another hand is used to hold a spoon to catch the ball and place it into to a deep fryer with boiling oil. The original white balls gradually turn golden and crisp.


Freshly-fried xiaci. [Photo provided to en.nantong.gov.cn]

When they become rufous, that means they are done. The crisp skin and soft and fragrant interior make for pleasant eating.