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Chongchuan to boost IT application innovation development

en.nantong.gov.cn| December 3, 2021

The 2021 Collective Wisdom Chongchuan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit was held on Nov 30.

As a part of the summit, a special activity on information technology application innovation industry was held by Chongchuan district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province that afternoon.

Xu Haiyan, deputy Party secretary of Chongchuan district, gave a speech and said that Chongchuan, as the central urban area of Nantong, is actively seizing the opportunities brought about by the new-round technological revolution and taking the IT application innovation industry as a new economic growth point.

Efforts have been made to build the Nantong IT Application Innovation Park (the Yangtze River Area Cyber Security Industrial Park) , where a number of State-owned companies, industry leaders, and listed companies have settled in. More than 50 well-known domestic enterprises in the field of network security have all moved in, Xu added.

Moving forward, Chongchuan will take the innovation and entrepreneurship summit as a new starting point, to create good conditions for the growth of enterprise, projects and industries with a better business environment and more targeted business services, according to Xu.

The district has issued a series of special policies to support the development of IT application innovation industry. According to the development plan of the IT application innovation industry in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) in Nantong, by 2025, the output value of the industry and its application fields is expected to reach 20 billion yuan ($3.14 billion), and 100 industrial enterprises will be introduced. More than 20,000 people will engage in the industry, including over 100 top-flight personnel.