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Chongchuan solicits projects for innovation contest

en.nantong.gov.cn| August 19, 2022

Authorities of Chongchuan district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province are soliciting projects for the second Innovation and Venture Contest, which will be held in October to attract more high-caliber talents to the district. 

Venture projects related to intelligent equipment, automotive electronics, integrated circuits, healthcare and new materials from cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou are welcome to sign up for the contest.

There will be one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes. Winners will receive 30,000 yuan ($4,404), 20,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan for these prizes respectively, according to the authorities.

Winners of the first prize and second prize will be shortlisted as candidates for an initiative that provides financial support.

Individual participants will receive a subsidy of up to 5 million yuan, while teams will get 6 million yuan in financial support.

Authorities will also provide other types of support, including office spaces and living allowance, for qualified individuals and teams.

The contest will play a significant role in promoting Nantong and recruiting high-level talents from around the world, said a local official. 

The city has welcomed 50 provincial-level talents and 15 hi-tech professionals since holding the innovation and venture contest last year. It has also signed 30 cooperation agreements with universities including Tsinghua University and Xi'an Jiaotong University. 

The district is currently home to nearly 400 hi-tech enterprises, five of which were named potential unicorn companies from Nantong. Ten of these companies are listed entities.


Scan this QR code to learn more details about the contest. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonine]