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Projects to improve well-being of Chongchuan residents in 2023

en.nantong.gov.cn| January 20, 2023

Thirty projects that will be carried out in 2023 to improve the well-being of residents in Chongchuan district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, were published at the second session of the 2nd Chongchuan People's Congress on Jan 13. 

Authorities will build three kindergartens, establish three nurseries, set up five juvenile protection work stations and 10 orphan care centers, make renovations to 15 schools to improve the happiness of children in the district. 

The local government will build two elderly care centers, upgrade household facilities for 400 elderly people and provide health management services to improve the life of the district's seniors. 

Authorities will also provide training to people with disabilities and hold 100 job fairs to secure employment. 

The local government will also build two pocket parks, treat five rivers, set up eight public toilets and renovate 40 old residential communities to improve the living environment in the district. 

Authorities will buy commercial health insurance for 1,500 disadvantaged people and offer free Pneumovax 23 vaccinations to 8,000 elderly people. 

Authorities will install 62 fitness facilities and stage eight art performances to improve people's physical and mental health.
