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Sinochem modern agriculture platform launches in Nantong

en.nantong.gov.cn| May 27, 2024

The launch ceremony for the Sinochem Modern Agriculture Platform was held on May 26 at the Nantong Urban Agriculture Park in Chongchuan district, Nantong, Jiangsu province.

The platform is a collaboration between the Nantong Grain Group and Sinochem. It aims to use digital technology to improve, establish recognizable brands, and set consistent standards for grain products, empowering farmers to enhance their farming techniques, stabilize their income, and drive the modernization and digitization of agriculture in Nantong.

During the launch ceremony, Nantong Grain Group inked collaboration agreements with various entities, including the Tianshengang subdistrict of Chongchuan, fostering partnerships to propel innovation and growth within Nantong's grain industry.


The launch ceremony of Sinochem Modern Agriculture Platform was held the Nantong Urban Agriculture Park. [Photo/Nantong Daily]
