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    Perfect spot to admire Hai'an's Chinese herbaceous peonies


    Haibei village in Hai'an is an ideal place to admire Chinese herbaceous peonies in early summer.

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    All-goat banquet


    Natives of Nantong's Dagong town, renowned for goat farming, used to eat mutton to nourish their tired bodies and consider the meat a springtime delicacy.

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    Former residence of Han Guojun


    The 8,500-square-meter former residence of Han Guojun (1857-1942) in Hai'an, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, was established in 1906 and has four courtyards and one garden.

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    Qingdun relic site


    Covering an area of 70,000 square meters, the Qingdun relic site is the most well-preserved site of the Neolithic Age in the eastern part of the Jianghuai Plain.

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    Elegant magnolias bloom in Hai'an


    It's a good time to appreciate magnolia flowers in Hai'an.

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