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Latest notice on Nantong's COVID-19 prevention and control measures

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: July 21, 2021 L M S

Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu province, reported nine locally transmitted cases and five asymptomatic cases as of 1 pm on July 21.

To minimize the risk of the virus spreading, Nantong will implement the following prevention and control measures:

Nantong residents who have stopped at Nanjing Lukou International Airport or have been in contact with workers at the airport must report to the communities they are living in and workplaces immediately, monitor their health condition, and undergo nucleic acid tests.

Those who came from medium- and high-risk areas and those who might have been in contact with confirmed cases (including asymptomatic cases) must undergo an isolated medical observation and nucleic acid tests.

People are advised not to travel to medium- and high-risk areas unless necessary. They are also advised to stay vigilant, wash their hands frequently, have proper ventilation, maintain social distancing, wear masks properly, have their temperatures taken, and present their health QR codes in public areas.

Those who experience fever, cough, diarrhea and fatigue must head to the nearest fever clinic in a timely manner. Such individuals must also wear a medical mask and avoid taking public transportation while on the way to the clinic.

The city's epidemic control and prevention authority also encourages residents who are of eligible age to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, which is the most effective way to control the epidemic, according to experts.

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