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Rudong's H1 economic indicators show robust industrial growth

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: August 2, 2021 L M S


Busy ports are catalysts for Rudong's strong industrial development. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

The economic data of Rudong county, administered by the city of Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province in the first half of this year was published on July 26 by the local statistics bureau, highlighting heavy industrial development.

From January to June, Rudong's 763 enterprises above designated size – those with annual revenue of at least 20 million yuan ($3.09 million) – achieved a total industrial output of 82.51 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.3 percent.

In April, Rudong rolled out 30 new policies to support the innovative development of the manufacturing industry. It pushed the output value of Rudong's 190 high-tech enterprises to 43.99 billion yuan in H1. The county's high-tech industry accounted for 53.3 percent of the city's total industrial output.

In the first six months, Rudong saw 17.59 billion yuan in industrial investment, a year-on-year increase of 11.7 percent. The Tongkun polyester integration project currently under construction at the Yangkou Port received a total of 45 billion yuan in investment.

Investments in construction and installation projects surged by 47.4 percent year-on-year, with the growth rate ranking first in the city.

This year, Rudong assigned officials to serve and supervise nine industries with high expectations in new energy, new materials, and new-generation information technology. The "industrial chain leaders" got a comprehensive picture of the development situation and worked out methods for improvement.

They have an ambitious goal of developing three industrial clusters with production values of over 50 billion yuan and focusing on new energy, new materials, and smart communications and power grid equipment.

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