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Rudong sees outstanding performance in optimizing business environment

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: December 16, 2021 L M S


Rudong county in Nantong has an outstanding performance in optimizing its business environment. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

The National Academy of Economic Strategy, subordinate to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, announced the list of the top 100 counties and county-level cities in China in terms of business environment, on Dec 7 in Beijing.

Nantong, located in East China's Jiangsu province, had all of its county-level administrative regions included in the list, with Rudong county ranking 26th on the list and third in Nantong.

As the main force of optimizing business environment in the county, the Rudong administrative approval bureau has been striving to remove bottlenecks in project approval and broaden market access. It provides one-stop services for starting a business, application of project construction and other business-related affairs.

It deepened reforms on "separating operating permits and business licenses", "At Most One Visit" and other issues, sorted out, complied and released guidelines on 71 items which can be handled at a window, with a visit.

The Rudong market supervision administration took the initiative to promote the intelligent government services, such as "non-contact approval" for the registration of special equipment use, to let enterprises go through with the issues with fewer visits.

The bureau also created communication channels between enterprises and banks, and encouraged firms to get financing through intellectual property pledge. In 2021, it has helped enterprises in Rudong obtain 27 IP pledge loans, with the amount adding up to 226.8 million yuan ($35.6 million).

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