
​Tips for visits to top Qidong spots during epidemic period

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: March 1, 2021 L M S


Covering 1.8 square kilometers, the Golden Beach scenic area is a national 3A tourist spot and a provincial wetland park in Jiangsu province. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

A number of Nantong locals asked recently whether four top tourist attractions in the county-level city of Qidong – administered by Nantong city in East China's Jiangsu province – are accessible during the novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control period.

The attractions are the Golden Beach, Diehu Lake Park, Yuantuojiao Resort and Lyusi fishing port and they asked for advice via the Nantong government public service hotline (+86-513-12345).

In response to their queries, Qidong officials said the Golden Beach scenic area has been temporarily closed for maintenance of its dyke facilities from Nov 1 and the reopening times will be posted as soon as possible.

People can follow the official WeChat account of the scenic area (ID: HJHTFJQ) for more details. The other three are accessible on condition that visitors follow strict epidemic prevention and control measures.