
Qidong city ranks top for air quality in Jiangsu province

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: March 22, 2022 L M S


The sky over the county-level city of Qidong is in great shape. [Photo/WeChat account: qdrmt0513]

The air quality rankings of the counties, county-level cities and districts in East China's Jiangsu province for the month of February were released on March 14 by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province – and Qidong city turned in a star performance.

Qidong – a county-level city administered by Nantong city in Jiangsu – ranked first, with an average PM2.5 concentration of 31 micrograms per cubic meter.

In 2021, Qidong set up 15 automatic atmospheric environment monitoring stations in its sub-districts and towns, with the monitoring covering the entire city.

In addition, it established a station chief system to prevent pollution and remedy it in a more precise way.

The average PM2.5 concentration in Qidong for 2021 was 23.2 micrograms per cu m, representing a 7.2 percent decrease year on year.

Meanwhile, the proportion of days with good air quality reached 93.2 percent, a year-on-year increase of 1.9 percent.