

seeningxia.com | Updated: July 19, 2024

Shizuishan city is situated in the northernmost area of Ningxia Hui autonomous region, with the Yellow River in the east and Inner Mongolia's Wuhai city in the north.

Shizuishan was set as a city in 1960. It administers Wukou district, Huinong district and Pingluo county and covers an area of 5,310 square kilometers, with a total population of 788,000, of which 73.67 percent are urban residents. 

Shizuishan is a prefecture-level city directly under Ningxia Hui autonomous region. It is an important national coal industry city and an energy, heavy chemical industry and industrial raw material base of Ningxia, famous for its production of anthracite coal. 

It is Ningxia's only prefecture-level city to win the title of National Forest City. 

The city boasts beautiful scenery and several lakes. Shahu Lake is a national 5A-level scenic spot and has been honored as one of the top 10 charming recreational lakes in China.


Shizuishan [Photo/nx.gov.cn]

North Wudang ecological preservation area has been awarded the China Habitat Environment Example Prize. The city also owns the national water conservancy scenic area, national wetland park, Xinghai Lake, the forest park, the Helan Mountain cliff paintings and so on. 

Shizuishan boasts deposits of coal, dinas rock, calcite and more than 10 mineral resources. Its coal reserves are 2.5 billion tons. Of the 12 coal varieties nationwide, the city has 11. Taixi coal reserves total 655 million tons, making the area a global hot spot for coal, which is widely used in metallurgy, chemicals, building materials and other industries. 

Also, silica reserves reach 500 million tons, while clay reserves are 13 million tons, which is an important ingredient for ceramics and cement. 

Today's Shizuishan is surrounded by beautiful mountains and lakes – offering wonderful scenery in addition to the city's abundant resources.