
Travel routes

Updated: 2017-03-18 Print


1. History 

Kangbashi district - Mausoleum of Genghis Khan - Subohan Prairie - Mongolia Origin – Xiangshawan – Jiuchenggong - Erdos cashmere plant - Dongsheng district

Reasons for recommendation: The route covers two national 5A scenic spots and ten 4A ones. All scenic spots are close to each other and offer various landscape sceneries. The route features holy sites for historical figures, desert scenery and folk customs. It's considered a top choice for travelers owing to convenient transportation and service facilities.


2. Leisure

Kangbashi district - Ordos Museum - Sun Square - Ordos wedding celebration park - International motorcycle city - Wulanmulun Lake - YikeAobao - Ordos sports center - Ordos botanic garden - Ordos bronze culture square - Ordos Zoo – Dongsheng

Reasons for recommendation: Ordos is surrounded by the Yellow River on three sides and thus enjoys pleasant weather conditions. The downtown area enjoys 21 C in summer and clear air prevails almost all year around. Kangbashi is a national 4A spot offering urban landscape scenery, convenient traffic and good service facilities. It's an ideal choice to beat the summer heat. Summer leisure one-day tours covering the surrounding areas of Chengling, Xiangshawan and the prairie are also available.


3. Genghis Khan

Kangbashi district - Mausoleum of Genghis Khan - Mongolia Origin - Junwang Mansion - Ulan Buddha Palace - Kangbashi

Reasons for recommendation: The 800 year old holy light, mysterious mausoleum guardians, magic and grand ancient rituals and devout incense burning temples are all highlights along the route. One can also explore the history behind Genghis Khan's descendants and ancient royal sites.


4. Desert

Dongsheng district – Engebei ecological demonstration zone - Qixinghu Lake - Desert-crossing Road - Ordos prairie zone - Kangbashi district

Reasons for recommendation: Qixing Lake is heaven-sent, while Engebei is an oasis in the desert. Kubuqi is one of the biggest deserts in China and used to threaten local survival. Now, green belts have been built, and desert tourism and exploration have become staggeringly popular. Visitors can plant trees and relax whilst experiencing what it's like to be in an arcadia.

5. Health

Kangbashi district - Ordos Prairie - Bulonghu and Bihai Sunshine hot springs - Arjai Grotto - Ulan town - Dongsheng district

Reasons for recommendation: Prairie wonders, Dunhuang-like sights and hot springs are highlights along the route. West Ordos is a national natural conservation area and home to some exotic rare plants. The Arjai Grotto has been dubbed the prairie version of Dunhuang, and is filled with mysterious treasures. Local hot springs contain health-conducive minerals and offer an interesting, revitalizing experience.

6. Prehistoric exploration

Kangbashi district - Mausoleum of Genghis Khan – Chahan Su Lide tourist area - Salawusu tourist area - Aolezhaoqi town - Dashatou tourist area - Shanghaimiao Joyous Prairie - Yinchuan

Reasons for recommendation: One can have fun in desert valley and prairie and explore the ancient Hetao civilization.

7. Folk customs

Kangbashi district- Wantong Husbandry Ecotourism area-  Shenquan tourism area - Yellow River Grand Canyon – Millennium-old Chinese pine – Zhungerzhao - Dongsheng

Reasons for recommendation: The Yellow River Grand Canyon has precipitous cliffs on its banks, with an imposing style. The Millennium-old Chinese pine is something one shouldn't miss.


8. Desert expedition

Kangbashi district-Kubuqi Desert's Hengshengxing campsite-Shenguang Xiangsha tourism area-Qixing Lake

Reasons for recommendation: Crossing the sea-resembling desert, and experiencing Shenguang Xiangsha are magic experience.


9. Parent-child tour

Dongsheng district - Jiuchenggong tourist area - Ordos Zoo - Engebei ecotourism demonstration zone - Miliya Graffiti Campsite - Kangbashi new district

Reasons for recommendation: Children can ride horses and gaze at vast grasslands with parents, or herd sheep and enjoy the local river. The route enables parents to bond with their children and helps to improve children's independence and confidence. All tourists can get in touch with the surrounding nature and experience thrills in the open air, while taking in Mongolian history and prairie culture.


10. Winter fun

Kangbashi district - Jiuchenggong tourist area - Bulonghu/Bihai Sunshine tourism area - Dongsheng district

Reasons for recommendation: Visitors can enjoy local hot springs in the west of Ordos, just like the ancient emperors. Winter landscape scenery is magnificent, and tourists can have winter fun at Jiuchenggong ice and snow world and savor local food such as mutton slices for hotpot and dairy products. 
