
Scheduling conference for publicity of UNCCD COP13 held

Updated: 2017-07-10 Print

A scheduling conference for publicity regarding the 13th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP13) was held on July 7.

Su Cuifang, member of the Ordos Party Committee Standing Committee, Ministry of Propaganda, and leader of the preparatory committee’s news publicity group, presided over the conference. Su reviewed the group's progress and arranged the next work schedule.

Su pointed out that the conference is a substantial opportunity to comprehensively display images of China, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Ordos. Works should be carried out in accordance with the principle of "innovation, thrift, openness, greenness". The design and production of publicity materials should be international, reflect local characteristics and be environmentally friendly. Equipment required for project construction should be rented or borrowed to ensure that the concept of thrift is reflected in conference publicity.

Deputy heads of media groups, relevant departments directly under the municipal government and relevant heads of the Propaganda Department attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Municipal Propaganda Department, the Ordos Daily, Ordos Radio and Television Station, the Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Press and Publication, and other relevant departments made detailed reports on the space arrangements of the venue, the construction of the online coverage platform, progress in designing publicity materials, and outlines of video advertising with an ecological theme, among other matters.

Su stressed that the conference is approaching and time is pressing with heavy tasks arising for the news publicity staff, all of whom need to enhance their sense of mission, responsibility and urgency to complete the many tasks to a high level of quality.
