
Honorary Sponsors Invitation

Updated: 2017-07-26 Print

The 13th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)


Honorary Sponsors Invitation

Enrolling 100 Young Chinese Entrepreneurs to Sponsor the Youth Initiative to Combat Desertification


To outstanding Chinese enterprises and young entrepreneurs

The 13th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will be held in Ordos city of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, North China, from September 6 to 17, 2017. Some 4,000 participants including ministerial delegations from 196 parties and representatives of related international organizations and global media outlets will attend the conference.

The conference will discuss the issues of global desertification prevention and sustainable development of human environments, which have been drawing great attention from international communities.  

It will be the first time China has hosted and presided over a conference of this kind. To ensure the success of COP 13, China's State Council approved an organizing committee led by Vice-Premier Wang Yang.  

COP 13 is focused on the theme of "Working together to combat desertification, jointly pursuing human well-being". With the target of achieving zero growth in global land degradation by 2030 set by the UN, the conference will discuss a series of major policy proposals and pursue five achievements including the New Strategic Framework of the Convention.    

The Youth Initiative to Combat Desertification, which aims to encourage young people around the world to raise awareness of ecological protection, is one of the results to be achieved during the conference. It calls for youth to take up the cause of rehabilitating degraded land and combating desertification through innovating ideas, technologies and financing modes.      

In view of the above, the conference will publicize China's ecological philosophy, show the enthusiasm of outstanding Chinese enterprises and young entrepreneurs for participating in and supporting the campaign of global desertification control, channel their responsibility and promote their sustainable development and that of our society.

The organizing committee cordially invites outstanding enterprises and young entrepreneurs in China to fully support the conference. As conference sponsors you should represent well-known brands, have outstanding achievements and value environmental protection as an opportunity to contribute to the public interest.

You are expected to be honorary sponsors of COP 13, the proud 100 young Chinese entrepreneurs sponsoring the Youth Initiative to Combat Desertification. Let's create together a plan to combat desertification, making the earth an oasis and pursuing a bright future for mankind.      

Contacts: Yang Guang, Zhu Minjie

Tel: 0477-3896280/3896287

Link to honorary sponsor plan information and application form, in Chinese:

