
Sand control wisdom in Ordos (II): Win-win mode between sand control and people’s livelihood

Updated: 2017-09-09 (Xinhua) Print

Located in the southwest of Inner Mongolia autonomous region in northern part of China and surrounded by the Yellow River in the west, north and east, Ordos covers a total area of 86.8 thousand square kilometres. In addition, Ordos is also an arid and semi-arid transition zone, where Kubuqi Desert is located in the north, Muus Sandy Land in the south, gully and hilly area in the east and undulated plateau area in the west.

In the face of severe desertification and sandification, Ordos attaches great importance to the prevention and control of desertification and unremittingly carries out ecological construction centered on afforestation.

Except the impelling security and governance measures by government, the sand control wisdom in Ordos is the Win-win mode between sand control and people's livelihood

Guidance mechanism was innovated to mobilize initiative of the whole society to participate in sand prevention and control.

Strategy of "individual-collective-national afforestation" was adhered to; restriction mechanism of "buying live trees" as well as incentive mechanism of "support to afforestation with subsidies"and "replacement of investment with award" were vigorously carried out, so as to encourage and guide enterprises, farmers and herdsmen to participate in prevention and control of desertification by contracting, buying shares, leasing and volunteer to work. Meanwhile, overall consideration was given in greening through desertification control and rich gain, in order to form a pattern of diversified investment by the nation, local government, enterprises and individuals and participation of the whole society in prevention and control of desertification.

Ejin Horo Banner actively encouraged enterprises and farmers to launch afforestation in advance; it would be incorporated into the scope of project and inspection and acceptance would be carried out after the plan was issued by the state and autonomous region, and payment of the project would be made if survival ratereached the standard.

For Uxin Banner, ecological construction projects would be implemented and financial subsidies would be given if concentrated afforestation reached a certain scale, the standard was reached through acceptance and project requirements were met according to the national afforestation regulation.

Dalad Banner actively promoted subsidies for afforestation, arranged the masses in charge of project implementation to undertake the project construction as well as encouraged farmers and herdsmen to launch afforestation by their own and contract afforestation, and villages to organize reforestation, so as to ensure that farmers and herdsmen directly benefit from it.

For Otog Banner, Incentives for Ecological Construction of Otog Banner was formulated by the People's Government, and subsidies and incentives were given to the units and individuals who made outstanding contribution to ecological construction.

A number of typical sand control enterprises such as Elion and Dongda as well as advanced individuals represented by Yin Yuzhen and Wurigeng Dalai, etc. emerged in prevention and control of desertification, which led to investment of a large number of farmers and herdsmen as well as various communities in ecological construction, and a favorable social atmosphere that everyone loves greening, plants trees and protects green has formed.

Combination of prevention and control of desertification with industrial development was adhered to; development model of forest desert industry in "farmers + base +leading enterprises" was actively promoted relying on the construction of key forestry ecological projects, so as to foster forest desert industry, extend the industrial chain, improve the science and technology, create green brand and reversely promote ecological governance, thereby realizing the balance between ecology and livelihood and win-win in sand control and economy.

First of all,the strategy of "contract transfer and concentrated development" was actively implemented and construction of raw material bases such as salix, caragana, hedysarum mongolicum, sea buckthorn and prunus armeniaca were vigorously promoted relying on key forestry projects, so that the biomass energy raw material base centered on salix, feed processing raw material forest base centered on caragana and hedysarum mongolicum as well as food and beverage rawmaterial forest base centered on high-quality sea buckthorn and prunusarmeniaca formed, which not only improved the wind-break and sand-fixation function, but laid a solid foundation for development of forest desert industry.

Secondly, support to leading enterprises was strengthened. The leading forest desert enterprises with favorable development prospects, great market potential and extensive radiation drive were vigorously supported, and conditions were actively created to promote expansion of production scale, improve product quality and increase market competitiveness. Meanwhile, more efforts were made in brand cultivation, so as to play the demonstration and promotion role of leading enterprises better.

In the whole city of Ordos, there are more than 80 enterprises represented by Elion and Dongda that participate in afforestation and development of industries, including 14 autonomous regional forestry industrialization leading enterprises such as Plateau Almond Syrup and Spring Mountain as well as 2 national key forestry enterprises. An annual output of 26 thousand m3 wood-based panels can be achieved, 310 million degree of power can be generated by biomass, and 35 thousand tons of beverage such as almond syrup, malusmicromalus wine and sea buckthorn can be yielded.

Thirdly, more than 20 ecological tourist attractions including Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, Resonant Sand Gorge, Seven Star Lake, Engebei and Salawusu were created, relying on the favorable natural environment and unique humanistic and geographical environment formed through ecological construction.
