
Requirements for post-placement reports

Updated: 2017-11-10 (cccwa.mca.gov.cn) Print

Section II: Report Text
1. The report at one month after adoption should focus on the initial integration of the adoptee with the adoptive family and the adjustment of the adoptee, with description of the registration procedure in China, such as impression and feeling during the adoption process. The report should also include how the adoption agency helped with the adjustment in the initial stage.
2. Health and physical development status: Adoptee's height, weight, and head circumference at the time of adoption and currently, fine motor skill ability, immunization, treatment and rehabilitation of recently occuring diseases, etc.
For families who have adopted special needs children, in the report at twelve months after adoption, families should fill in the table Feed-back Table of the Child with Special Needs and elaborate on the implementation of a medical rehabilitation and nurturing plan during the first year after adoption. 

3. Routine activities: Adoptee's diet, playtime, and sleep schedule.
4. Attachment & bonding situation: Status of the adoptee's integration with his/her parents, siblings, and family. Particular details should be provided if the family has adopted a child over 3.
5. Mental development: Adoptee's mental development and language ability.
6. Character development: Adoptee's psychology and personality characteristics.
7. Education situation: Adoptee's learning at home, kindergarten, and school and the method of education at home.
8. Family's impression: Understanding and view of the adoption by the adoptive parents, other adults in the home, and other relatives.
9. Evaluation by the community: participation in the activities and integration in the community, evaluation by the neighbors about the adoptive family whether the adoption is successful or not.  
10. Major changes in the adoptive family: major changes in the adoptive family in marital status, children in the home, economic status, residence environment, or serious health problems.
11. Other content which the social worker believes should be included.
12. Social worker's general evaluation: social worker's recommendation of the adoptive family and general evaluation regarding whether the adoption is successful.

Section III: Other certifications
1. Copy of the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption (submitted together with every post-placement report).
2. Naturalization of the adoptee (submitted once together with the post-placement report after the adoptee completes the naturalization procedure). Certifications which can be considered as naturalization certificates include: naturalization certificate, copy of citizenship ID, copy of the adoptee’s passport, copy of the family's household register book.
3. A short essay written by the adoptee if he/she has reached 10 years old, describing his/her experience and growth in the adoptive family, and how he/she is doing in school and getting along with his/her teachers and classmates (submitted together with every post-placement report).   

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