
By Taxi

Updated: 2018-03-07 Print

Our top five survival skills for non-Chinese speakers who want to take taxi are:

(1) Try to know where you're going; a map or a card with your destination is extremely helpful to the driver.

(2) Carry some small change; your driver may not be able to change a 100-yuan note.

(3) Demand to use the taxi's meter. Sit in the front seat to make hand gestures more visible, being aware of the seat belt. ‘Zuo guai’ means turn left, ‘You guai’ means turn right.

(4) Say "tingche" to stop. Ask for your receipt by saying "fapiao".

E-hailing taxi apps:

One of the most game-changing innovations in the transportation industry has been the advent of E-hailing taxi apps that match up the riders and people with cars in a seamless experience that cuts out entrenched taxi companies altogether.

E-hailing taxi apps are particularly popular in the metropolitan area. The apps are free to download on both iPhone and Android systems, but you need to register your cell phone number so that taxi drivers can reach you. Users type in their location and intended destination, or simply speak the address while pressing the voice button. When nearby drivers receive the message, they click on a button and confirm the passenger's location.

The use of E-hailing apps such as Uber, Easytaxi and Didi to arrange taxi pick-ups is reshaping how people travel, and creating a new set of industry players. The e-hailing app market has grown exponentially over the last few years and analysts believe that it has a lot of steam to grow even further over the next decade. 
