West Coast New Area

Aucma focuses on cold chain development

( | 2021-01-21

Aucma Group, a leading Chinese home appliance maker, has taken the cold chain as the company's new development direction and driving force of future revenue growth throughout the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20).

Founded in 1987, the Qingdao-based company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2000. It is one of China's 500 most valuable brands, China's top 500 manufacturing enterprises, and China's top 100 light industry enterprises.


The intelligent manufacturing factory of Aucma [Photo/]

In recent years, Aucma has transformed from a traditional home appliance enterprise mainly focused on cold cabinets to a cold-chain internet of things enterprise engaged in the entire cold chain. This strategy is known as the "internet + full cold chain" strategy.

By integrating global resources and promoting technological innovation, Aucma has gained market recognition in a number of industries.

Its refrigerator products have topped the household goods market for a number of years, and it has the highest market share in China's commercial cold chain. The company has also established good relations with major global suppliers of beverages, ice cream, and more.


A cold chain logistics vehicle developed by Aucma [Photo/]

The company's medical cold chain products have passed WHO's PQS certification and it has qualified to supply UNICEF, in addition to becoming a cold chain partner of the Gates Foundation. Its technology for the cryogenic storage of biological samples leads the industry and has made outstanding contributions to global public health undertakings.

Aucma has more than 2,000 patents in more than a dozen technical fields involving low temperatures, energy-saving, and internet of things. It has won more than 300 national product awards over the years.

Its products have also been exported to more than 60 countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative and have proved popular among consumers.