West Coast New Area

Qingdao promotes enterprise digital transformation

( | 2023-02-28


Beijing Automobile Works Co employees work on an assembly line at a factory in the company's Qingdao headquarters in Shandong province. ZHANG JINGANG/FOR CHINA DAILY

Qingdao is accelerating the digital transformation of local industrial enterprises above designated size, with the digital transformation coverage rate projected to exceed 50 percent by the end of this year and exceed 80 percent by 2024.

The city takes high-quality development as its primary task, with a focus on promoting structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading, as well as accelerating the development of high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing, said local officials.

Measures have been launched to strengthen the city's digital foundation. Qingdao plans to promote the upgrading of the internal networks of industrial enterprises with new technologies, as well as realize the flattening of the factory management and control systems.

An organizational structure suitable for digital transformation will be built, while supporting management systems, such as performance management, as well as assessment plan and incentive mechanisms, will be formulated.

The city encourages the application of financial process automation, collaborative office platforms, standardized human resources management products, and other products to achieve the digital transformation of enterprise management.

It will promote digitalization of R&D, design, manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, and marketing services to reduce one-time input costs for local enterprises.

Qingdao will also continue to intensify efforts to promote the construction of industrial internet platforms and smart factories, stimulate more new models and new business forms, as well as open up new space to increase the value of its manufacturing industry.