West Coast New Area

Qingdao promotes cruise tourism for domestic travelers

( | 2024-06-11


The cruise tourism industry in Qingdao sees burgeoning development. [Photo/WeChat account: qdgjylg]

East China's Shandong province recently organized a series of promotional events in Xining, Qinghai province, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, and Taiyuan in Shanxi province to promote Shandong's summer cultural and tourism attractions, showcasing the province's charm and hospitality.

During the event, the coastal city of Qingdao seized the opportunity to promote its cruise culture, expand customer sources, and support the sustainable development of cruise tourism.

Marine tourism is a major part of Shandong's appeal. Cruise ships, as a high-value modern marine tourism product, are increasingly popular among tourists. Local authorities from Qingdao highlighted the unique advantages of Qingdao's homeport and the vibrant life and travel strategies on board a cruise, leading to many people inquiring about cruise products on the spot.

To further promote the deepening and solidifying of cruise tourism cooperation along the Yellow River Basin, the cruise port service management authority of Qingdao established cooperation relationships with nearly 30 key travel agencies from Qinghai, Ningxia and Shanxi. They built a business docking platform that integrates cruise companies, cruise homeports, and provincial charter companies, establishing channels for expanding customer sources.

In recent years, the cruise port service management authority of Qingdao has been committed to promoting cruise culture and bolstering its burgeoning cruise tourism sector. They have organized a series of cruise tourism promotion activities in Beijing and key cities along the Yellow River Basin. They have also launched Qingdao-originated themed cruises covering various fields such as music, study tours, calligraphy, health and wellness, and performing arts, empowering local cruise companies to operate and promote cruise tourism products.