200MW/annual amorphous silicon thin film solar photoelectric template

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-11-15

I. Project name: Project toward producing 200MW/annual amorphous silicon thin film solar photoelectric template

II. Project address: Feicheng Hi-tech Zone

III. Ways of cooperation: Joint venture, cooperation and solely-funded

IV. Total investment: 4 billion yuan ($634 million)

V. Brief introduction: As a new kind of semiconductor film material, the amorphous silicon belongs to new energy material and electronic information new material. This project of a “Photovoltaic Industrial Park”, plans to cover an area of 33.33 hectares and build a production line toward producing 200MW/annual amorphous silicon thin film solar photoelectric template. This project will be divided into two phases to build, and the first phase is going to build a production line toward producing 60MW/annual amorphous silicon thin film solar photoelectric template.

VI. Construction conditions: The construction conditions surrounding the project have already taken shape and the infrastructure is almost perfect, which can meet the project’s demand.

VII. Analysis of the economic benefit: After the project comes into operation, it can newly increase the sales income of 4.2 billion yuan, and profit and tax of 1 billion yuan annually as well.

VIII. Contact ways:

Contact unit: Feicheng Economic Cooperation Bureau

Person to contact: Zoun Hui, Li Xiaojing

Tel: 0086-538-3229719/3212676

Email: fcszsb@163.com