'Fengshan Sacrifices' at Mount Tai

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2017-02-14

The "Fengshan Sacrifices" developed into a solemn ceremony during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) and evolved into regular activities held by both officials and common people to pay homage to the God and Goddess of Mount Tai after the Song Dynasty (960-1279) took power.

Nowadays it is included in the Shandong provincial intangible cultural heritage list and has developed into a culture-oriented ceremony on Mount Tai. Through its 200 live performances each year, it has spurred the popularity of Mount Tai and its unique culture.

The culture-oriented ceremony of "Fengshan Sacrifices" is held every year on Mount Tai. [Photo/people.com.cn]

The large-scale exterior performance of "Fengshan Sacrifices" on Mount Tai. [Photo/people.com.cn]

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