15 projects signed at intl high-end talent fair

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2020-06-05

A total of 15 project deals are signed at the Sixth International Fair of Mount Tai China on High-end Talents in Tai'an, Shandong province on June 5. [Photo/dzwww.com]

The Sixth International Fair of Mount Tai China on High-end Talent was held in Tai'an, Shandong province on June 5.

A total of 15 projects were signed at the event covering high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation information technology, healthcare, new materials, cultural creativity, and modern logistics.

Cui Honggang, Party secretary of Tai'an, and Zhang Tao, mayor of Tai'an, attended the opening ceremony.

Zhang said that the international conference aims to promote exchange between high-end talent, technology, and projects to promote the upgrading of Tai'an city's industrial contracture.

The local government plans to offer preferential policies and a sound business environment to encourage talent and entrepreneurs to strengthen cooperation in more fields.