Xi urges global governance reforms

(China Daily) Updated: 2022-05-19

He emphasizes fairness, justice and innovation to help promote worldwide growth

President Xi Jinping called on Wednesday for reforms of the global governance system guided by the principle of fairness and justice, reiterating that China's resolve to open up at a high standard remains unchanged.

Xi made the remarks when delivering a video address at a conference marking the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade's 70th anniversary and the Global Trade and Investment Promotion Summit.

Noting that today's world is experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic and drastic changes unseen in a century, and economic globalization is facing headwinds, Xi underlined the need for the international community to pull together to defeat the pandemic, reinvigorate global trade and investment and improve the global governance system.

"Now more than ever, business communities across the world yearn for peace and development, call for fairness and justice, and aspire for win-win cooperation," he said.

Xi emphasized that seeking exclusive blocs will only lead the world to division and confrontation.

"We should uphold true multilateralism, embrace a global governance vision featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and mobilize resources from across the world to meet global challenges and advance global development," he said.

"We should choose dialogue over confrontation, tear down walls rather than erect them, pursue integration instead of decoupling, opt for inclusiveness and not exclusion, and guide reforms of the global governance system with the principle of fairness and justice."

While underlining the need to balance the pandemic response and economic development, Xi called for strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination among countries in order to get the global economy on firm footing at an early date.

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