Xi urges Party to strengthen risk awareness

(China Daily) Updated: 2022-07-28

Saying that the upcoming 20th National Congress of the CPC is critically relevant to the prospects of the Party and the State as well as the future of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Xi emphasized that it is greatly important to make clear what banners the Party will hold, what path it will take, what goals it wants to achieve and how it will achieve them, in order to unite and encourage all the Chinese people to strive for the new victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

He urged the whole Party to hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhance confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics and resolutely advance the historical process of national rejuvenation.

Xi mentioned the rapid evolution of profound changes in the international landscape, saying that the nation faces fresh strategic opportunities and tasks in the new stage of development, and in the meantime, the risks, challenges and problems faced by China are increasingly complex and complicated.

He called for stronger determination for the whole Party to improve the ability to struggle for victories, saying that "the most important thing for us is to manage our own business well".

He also reiterated the importance of strengthening the Party, and called for exercising full and rigorous self-governance.

On the way forward, the whole Party must adhere to the fundamental purpose of the Party to wholeheartedly serve the people and have a strong bond with the people, Xi added.

Representatives from non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce also attended the opening of the symposium.

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