Tai'an sees tourism boost over Dragon Boat Festival holiday

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2024-06-11


Tourists pose for a photo while climbing Mount Tai in Tai'an. [Photo/Tai'an Daily]

Statistics showed that as of 4 pm on June 10, 21 tourist sites in Tai'an had received a total of 501,700 visitors during the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which lasted from June 8 to 10.

Among these, the Mount Tai Scenic Area hosted 129,900 visitors, an increase of 13.26 percent over 2023.

Tai'an held a series of 38 themed events, including a coffee festival, a shopping festival, concerts, intangible cultural heritage performances, parades, and folk culture festivals, in celebration of the festival.

The Grand Theatre Coffee Festival kicked off on June 8, featuring a coffee market, a cultural and creative market, coffee tastings, and interactive games, bringing together over 30 trendy coffee and culture brands to offer people a comprehensive coffee feast.

In addition, the Tai'an Library hosted a traditional cultural experience event, inviting readers to participate in traditional games like "zongzi fishing" and "lucky touhu, or pitch-pots". Taishan district held a folk culture festival featuring cultural performances, handicraft experiences, and intangible cultural heritage displays. The festival also promoted local specialties like Mount Tai mugwort. Taishan Show Park introduced activities such as making fragrant sachets, handcrafting zongzi, and lacquered fan experiences, allowing people to immerse themselves in the charm of traditional culture.