Time-honored brands of Tai'an revitalize with time

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2024-07-16

Tai'an is currently home to 57 time-honored brand enterprises engaged in industries such as crafts, beverages, food, health, and agricultural products, and these brands are reinvigorating themselves by integrating into new markets, business models, and consumer groups.

They are also showing a strong commitment to embracing digitalization, stepping up to market challenges with unprecedented approaches.

For example, "Tongjinchan", one of Tai'an's first time-honored brands to venture into e-commerce, began its online business in 2006. It now operates stores on multiple e-commerce platforms, with annual sales growth exceeding 35 percent.

In the catering industry, a time-honored brand of chicken called "Taishan Laotangji" has taken the lead in digital transformation by introducing new production lines and shifting from traditional handcraft workshops to industrial assembly lines, producing mid-to-high-end green, healthy foods to meet the increasing demand for quality consumption.

In addition to e-commerce sales, these brands are engaging in unique marketing activities, establishing live-streaming platforms to reach younger consumer groups.

Amid the rising popularity of Guochao (China chic), time-honored brands are aligning with the needs of young consumers by transforming traditional culture into new product forms and integrating these into tourism routes and city symbols, increasing their appeal.

At the China International Consumer Products Expo this April, the time-honored brand "Taishan Taomu Wang" received significant consumer interest for its new products, which were infused with Guochao elements.

In addition, many time-honored enterprises are collaborating to create museums and co-branded products through cross-industry partnerships. These initiatives are helping them achieve breakthroughs and gain more attention and recognition.


A peach wood carving product of the "Taishan Taomu Wang" brand is exhibited at this year's China International Consumer Products Expo. [Photo/Tai'an Daily]