Shanxi enacts regulation to spearhead manufacturing excellence


The Regulation on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry in Shanxi Province was recently reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress and came into effect on May 1.

The regulation involves the promotion mechanism, industrial layout, high-end upgrading, intelligent empowerment, green transformation, integrated development, and incentives and support for the high-quality development of the province's manufacturing industry.

It provides long-term and solid legal support for the province to accelerate the revitalization and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and cultivate and develop new quality productive forces.

The regulation stipulates that the Shanxi Provincial Government shall promote the development of key industrial chains, establish a chain chief system of industrial chains covering the whole province, and coordinate and guide various resources such as policies, projects, funds, talent, and land to converge into key industrial chains.

The government shall also carry out the selection and designation of key characteristic professional towns for the manufacturing industry at the provincial level and improve the development policies for the characteristic professional towns by implementing hierarchical cultivation, assessment incentives, and dynamic management.

At the same time, governments above the county level shall strengthen planning and guidance for the development of the manufacturing industry in industrial development zones, determine the functional positioning and leading industries of the industrial development zones, and support the establishment of new industrial demonstration bases.

In addition, the regulation stipulates that the Shanxi Provincial Government and its relevant departments shall establish an industrial technological innovation system and support manufacturing enterprises, universities, and research institutions in creating manufacturing innovation centers and other platforms, so as to carry out key generic technological research and development in key areas.

Meanwhile, governments above the county level and their relevant departments shall encourage manufacturing enterprises to employ green and low-carbon technologies, carry out the research and development of low carbon, zero carbon, and negative carbon technologies, and implement energy-saving and carbon reduction technology transformation.