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Yangquan companies to take works to cultural industries fair

Updated: 2019-12-03

Some 26 companies from Yangquan city will bring more than 1,000 cultural works to the 4th Shanxi Cultural Industries Fair -- to be held at the China (Taiyuan) Coal Transaction Center in Taiyuan in Shanxi province on Dec 5-10, according to the organizers.

Exhibits from the city will include traditional handicrafts such as dough models and root carvings, as well as modern high-tech products like unmanned aerial vehicles.

During fair, Yangquan city is scheduled to sign agreements on seven projects, as well as carry out demonstrations in two cultural events and stage several promotions. 

Among the seven projects is one involving creative ceramics, another on arts and crafts and yet another on blockchain bartering platforms.

The two cultural events are a forum on ceramics and a cultural performance promoting Yangquan city. Promotions through brochures, promo videos on the city's culture industry and a cultural industrial project display will also be held during the six-day fair. 

The biennial Shanxi Cultural Industries Fair was first launched by Shanxi provincial government departments in 2013. 

With its theme of "deep integration and innovative development", this year's fair will highlight the achievements made in recent years in promoting cultural reform in Shanxi province.