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Ceramics industry forum held in Yangquan

Updated: 2019-12-10

A forum on traditional ceramics production, promotion and innovation was held in Yangquan city on Dec 9, according to local officials. 

Through policy explanations, keynote speeches and themed lectures, attendees discussed the development of local ceramics industry at the forum organized by Shanxi Jinmingtang Culture Technology Co and Shanxi Bianyuan Shengshi Culture Media Co. 

In recent years, Yangquan has been committed to developing ceramics industrial clusters based on the purple clayware industry in local Pingding county and two intangible cultural heritage items -- carved porcelain and clayware-making techniques. 

The city has held three sessions of seminars on Pingding purple clayware industrial development to advance industrial communications and cooperation with Yixing, a county famous for famous for its purple clayware production in East China's Jiangsu province.