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Yangquan facilitates growth of professional industrial towns

Updated: 2023-06-06

Yangquan recently recognized six municipal professional industrial towns. 

They are refractory materials professional industrial towns in Jiaoqu district and Yuxian county, professional industrial towns of gravel and pottery, new energy battery, and selenium-rich agriculture in Pingding county and mining machinery professional town in Kuangqu district. 

The city has formulated and issued an implementation plan and several policies to create a better environment for the development of professional industrial towns. 

The implementation plan regulates the work on the high-quality development of professional industrial towns from six aspects: guide, overall objectives, development principles, evaluation standards, tasks, and guarantee measures. It clarifies implementing 10 significant projects, including multiplying market players, improving the quality of leading industries, enhancing innovation ability, brand building, targeted investment attraction, and biz environment and service optimization. 

The range of preferential policies in place encompasses a comprehensive array of 16 key aspects, each aimed at fostering growth and prosperity. These policies prioritize the development of renowned professional industrial towns, augmenting the provision of talent services, conducting extensive employee skills training initiatives, facilitating the technological transformation of enterprises, establishing robust public service platforms, and optimizing the availability of financing services.