Eight Guangyuan names added to provincial heritage list

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: January 18, 2022
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Tofu pudding porridge, the Tans tea-making skill and six other traditional skills from Guangyuan, Sichuan province were recently listed as provincial rural production and living heritage.


Tofu pudding porridge [Photo/VCG]

The list has a total of 310 names covering culinary arts, embroidery and textile arts, tea-making, brewing, flavoring and handicrafts. They have irreplaceable value for industrial production.

To date, the city has occupied 17 seats. Also on the list are Lizhou winemaking and oil extraction, Suyang persimmon cake-making, Wangcang palm fibre-weaving, Yuedong hand-made noodles and Wanquan bean jelly-making.

The selection aims to promote the role of manual skills in preserving the time-honored experience of production and living, along with their history, ethnic and cultural diversity, local values and activities.

Last year, Maliu folk embroidery received a fund of more than 1 million yuan ($157,329.18) for heritage protection, according to the municipal agriculture and rural affairs authority.

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