Guidelines make it easier to register and start a business | Updated: March 23, 2022
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Guangyuan in Southwest China's Sichuan province has released a set of guidelines to energize market entities and create a market-oriented, law-based, and vital business environment.


A bird's-eye view of downtown Guangyuan in Southwest China's Sichuan province [Photo/VCG]

The guidelines, which apply to all enterprises, non-corporate enterprise legal persons, partnership firms, sole proprietors, farmers' cooperatives and self-employed households in the city, will relax location restrictions on business registration. Entrepreneurs of all types will find it easier to register and start a business and access timely policy support.

The document clarified the legality of "one license for multiple locations" or "one location having multiple licenses", saying that the enterprise's residence and business premises can be registered separately.

This will work in favor of market players who will reduce operating and management costs and ease the burden of submitting various certifications.

Post-mortem supervision was also highlighted to ensure that businesses will operate in accordance with the law.

Copyright © Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. All right reserved.
Presented by China Daily.