Rare bird spotted in Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: April 25, 2022
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A lovely oriental plover was recently spotted in the Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve in Guangyuan, Southwest China's Sichuan province. The total number of such species there is now 339.

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An oriental plover is seen in the Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve in Guangyuan, Southwest China's Sichuan province. [Photo/share.gyxww.cn]

The bird has a brown chest and a speckled black neckband. Tangjiahe has become an important migration hub for birds thanks to its improved ecological environment.

As birds migrating from Northeast China, oriental plovers often inhabit wide-open grasslands, and occasionally fresh water lakes and swamps. Characterized by agility, the oriental plover flies fast and can reverse directions instantly.

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