Jiange county ramps up efforts to protect ancient cypresses

cngy.gov.cn/en | Updated: September 2, 2022
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Villagers from Bailong town, Jiange county, Guangyuan, Sichuan province were pruning the vines on Aug 15 to protect ancient trees.

"The vines are fire-hazardous for ancient trees when they dry up under the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees or above these days," said Jia Yongzhi, Party chief of the village.


A staff member supplements nutritious soil for the cypress. [Photo/share.gyxww.cn]

To protect 7,803 ancient cypresses in Jiange, 11 villages and towns in the county have taken various efforts, including increasing rainfall and moisture and sweeping combustibles under the trees.

Bailong town has raised 20,000 yuan ($3,125) to pay the local villagers for cleanup of combustibles.

The county's meteorological bureau carried out precipitation in a few areas in the evening of Aug 16, resulting in moderate and heavy rain, especially in the ancient cypress reserve area. The drought was eased, thanks to the rainfall.

Considering the extreme weather, 20 fire checkpoints in Jiange have resumed all-time work, and over 1,200 forest rangers carry out regular mountain patrols to protect the forests and prevent fire risks.

Three lightning protection towers and three watchtowers were built in the densely growing area of ancient cypress. The area has also been equipped with five voice alarm devices, 1,082 personal protection supplies, 26,000 firefighting equipment, and five forest firefighting vehicles.


Copyright © Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. All right reserved.
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