Guangyuan media tour leaves overseas Chinese journalists in awe | Updated: October 23, 2023
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The "Walking in China · 2023 Overseas Chinese Media Leaders Sichuan Tour" kicked off in Guangyuan city on Oct 21, gathering practitioners from over 40 media outlets from 22 countries and regions including the US, Canada, Italy and Kazakhstan.

This is part of celebrations to mark the 11th Forum of Global Chinese Language Media. During the trip, invitees went to Cuiyun Corridor and Jianmen Pass to experience the ancient charm of Guangyuan city.


Cuiyun Corridor is a rare group of artificially planted ancient street trees, with more than 8,000 thousand-year-old cypresses lined up. Beneath the canopy lies an ancient road two to three meters in width, which served as the main transportation route from Shu place to Chang'an, the capital city of several dynasties.

Remon Chen, general manager of Solo media in Canada, said that he had delved into the ecological environment and historical connotations of the ancient Shu Road. He hoped to bring this unforgettable experience back to Canada so that more tourists can come and take a look.


Jianmen Pass is also an important part of Shu Road. Throughout the ages, Li Bai and other literati wrote poems about it. Built in the middle of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), the construction looks majestic with ancient roads, ancient passes and ancient cypresses as its core. It is known as the "throat of the two rivers and the barrier of northern Sichuan".

At Jianmen Pass, overseas Chinese media representatives experienced its steep terrain and long history. Cai Youming, executive editor of the Philippines’ Chinese Commercial News, said that he wanted to record in detail the stories he had heard throughout his trip.

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