
Tianjin swimmer wins first gold medal of 10th National Paralympic Games


Updated: 2019-08-27


Yang Bozun at the swimming competition. [photo/Xinhua]

In the men's SB11 100m breaststroke Aug 26 final of the 10th National Games for Persons with Disabilities and the seventh National Special Olympics Games, three -time Paralympics champion and Tianjin star athlete Yang Bozun won gold. It was the first gold medal given in this year's games. 

Seven players from Tianjin, Beijing, Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Hunan and Henan competed. Yang established a leading position early and eventually placed first. Zhang Bowen from Beijing and Deng Sanbo from Hubei took the silver and bronze medals.

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Yang Bozun (left) and his coach at the award ceremony. [photo/Xinhua]

"I felt good in the water today, and my technical movements were also very good. I am very satisfied with my performance considering my age and physical condition," said Yang. Yang will compete in seven events.

Yang has taken part in Beijing Paralympic Games, the London Paralympic Games and the Rio Paralympic Games. Although he is 33 years old this year, he is still looking forward to the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. "I am very eager to be selected for the final list. Once I am selected, I will try my best to prepare for it,” said Yang.


Yang Bozun receives a gold medal at the award ceremony. [photo/Xinhua]

It has been 14 years since Yang entered the Tianjin Disabled Swimming Team in 2005. Yang admits that he is happy to be active in today's many competitions. "I would swim more and take part in more games as long as I can. I may continue to be an English teacher when I retire one day, and be able to spend more time with my family."

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