
Luban Workshop invited to open branch in Kenya

( Updated: 2021-08-07

Chinese and Kenyan project leaders signed a contract to set up a Luban Workshop in Kennya's Taita Tavita University (TTU) during an online ceremony held on Aug 6.

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Representatives from Dongying Vocational Institute (DVI) in East China's Shandong province attend the online signing ceremony of Luban Workshop and China-Kenya Vocational and Technical Education Center on Aug 6. [Photo/]

The project, launched by Dongying Vocational Institute (DVI) in East China's Shandong province, will provide TTU with vocational training programs pertaining to petroleum engineering, petrochemical engineering and the latest generation of information technology.

Chinese digital retailer Jingdong ( will be responsible for e-commerce training as a co-sponsor and one of the project promoters. 

Local people and China-invested enterprise employees will be able to improve their vocational and technical skills through this project.

At the same time, the two parties will strengthen cooperation in vocational and technical education research. A training base for Kenyan teachers, as well as a practice base for Kenyan students, will be established in the DVI.

According to an official from the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, the two parties will further explore the "college plus enterprise" transnational crossover cooperation model with the support of artificial intelligence technology in the hopes of upgrading the petrochemical industry.