
Uzbek delegation seeks economic cooperation in Tianjin

( Updated: 2024-06-13

A delegation of 27 people, led by Ergash Saliyev, hokim (governor) of the Jizzakh region in Uzbekistan, visited Tianjin in North China, from June 3 to 5. The visit aimed to introduce the economic and trade environment of Jizzakh to Tianjin enterprises and promote business matchmaking.


A delegation of 27 people, led by Ergash Saliyev, hokim of the Jizzakh region in Uzbekistan, visits the Luban Workshop Construction and Experience Museum in Tianjin. [hoto provided to tj.]

In the morning of June 5, Saliyev and his delegation visited the Luban Workshop Construction and Experience Museum. They explored various exhibitions and learned in detail about the significant achievements Tianjin has made in the internationalization of vocational education in recent years.

That afternoon, Tianjin and Jizzakh jointly held an economic and trade promotion conference, attracting more than 200 corporate representatives. At the conference, Saliyev presented the local investment policies and addressed questions from the attending companies.


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Tianjin and Jizzakh jointly hold an economic and trade promotion conference in Tianjin on June 5. [Photo provided to tj.]

Jizzakh, the hometown of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has maintained economic ties with Tianjin for years. This visit marks the second time Saliyev has led a delegation to Tianjin.

During the visit, both sides expressed their commitment to leveraging their respective strengths, seizing opportunities for Belt and Road cooperation and deepening cooperation across various fields. Their goal is to further the development of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Uzbekistan.