China is set to approve 14 new undergraduate higher education institutions, reflecting a shift toward emphasizing vocational education and application-oriented talent development, education experts said on Tuesday.
More African students have been gaining more access to vocational schools in Zhejiang province to take advantage of its strong e-commerce knowledge, and their cooperation in vocational education has become a model for China-Africa educational exchanges and cooperation projects.
More and more African students are approaching vocational schools in Zhejiang province to take advantage of its booming e-commerce business. The region's cooperation with African countries in the field of vocational education has become a model for China-Africa educational exchanges.
The Belt and Road Initiative has become a highly welcomed international public good and cooperation platform, embodying the significant practice of building a community with a shared future for humanity.
The Côte d'Ivoire Luban Workshop, jointly established by Tianjin University of Technology (TUT) and the esteemed Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) in Yamoussoukro, represents Tianjin's first collaboration with a comprehensive university to establish a Luban Workshop.
Abrikulov Farrukh Nabijon Ugli, a student from the Luban Workshop in Uzbekistan and a student studying at Tianjin Maritime College, attended the World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference in Tianjin.
Wasan Butsadiwan, a student from Thailand's Luban Workshop studying at Tianjin Bohai Vocational Technical College, introduced his industrial robots, which he named "Hope".
Diarra from Mali, the first foreign doctor to earn a PhD in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is now the director of the Luban Workshop in Mali and a special professor at Tianjin Medical College. He has lived and worked in China for nearly 40 years.