Collection: Alibaba Cloud Pangu - A large-scale distributed storage system for infrastructure of digital economy




Computing, storage, and network are the three core components of cloud computing. Pangu, a large-scale distributed storage system, has been one of the most critical kernel components in the Alibaba Cloud Apsara Operating System since the very beginning. Over the last decade, Pangu has advanced and evolved in scalability, durability, availability, and versatility: managing exabyte data and trillions of files; achieving high durability and availability; supporting a rich set of workloads of different characteristics.


Pangu builds a large-scale distributed and reliable storage system on commodity hardware. To meet the needs of cloud computing, Pangu has redefined the boundary between software and hardware, enhanced data center SSD technical specifications, designed high-speed network protocols, and realized a software/hardware codesign stack. As a result, Pangu has become a unique storage system for cloud computing in the industry, satisfying both high throughput and low latency requirements.