​Collection: 5G Stand-alone (SA) end-to-end solution, standard, and deployment technology innovation




China Mobile caught the opportunity and achieved a breakthrough in the architecture design of a new generation of the communication system, where a Chinese company leads for the first time. Focusing on the research and development on end-to-end 5G Stand-Alone (5G SA) network technology, international standardization, field trials, etc., important breakthroughs as follow have been made. China Mobile has also made outstanding contributions to global international standards unification, E2E industry chain maturity, and the construction of the world's most advanced and largest 5G SA network, which has helped China's 5G industry get into the leading position.


By implementing the "5G+" plan, China Mobile will promote the integration of 5G into all industries and serve the public. As of June 2021, China Mobile launched more than 500,000 5G base stations, served more than 251 million 5G customers, explored more than 200 industry-leading demonstration projects and more than 4,000 5G commercialization projects, and deployed nine major industry platforms, including 5G "up the mountain", "down the mine", "enter the seaport", "enter the factory", "help to fight the COVID-19", etc., which have received enthusiastic responses.