Collection: 800G ultra-high-speed photonic chip and optical engine technology research and development




The project of "800G ultra-high-speed photonic chip and optical engine technology research and development" has been established by Zhejiang Lab to fulfill the 800G optical I/O rate requirements for high-speed Ethernet switches in next-generation super data centers, specifically aiming at developing a 1310nm 800G Ethernet optical engine based on silicon-optical integrated transceiver chip technology and performing system transmission tests to address several bottlenecks such as expected modulation bandwidth, power consumption, and cost.


This project has developed a high-power multi-quantum well DFB laser array based on MOCVD growth to provide a multi-wavelength light source for an 800G optical engine. As a new high-efficiency light source technology with great potential, the growth and preparation of MBE materials for quantum dot lasers has also been explored, and the technical feasibility of quantum dot lasers as a high power 800G light source has been carefully analyzed.