Top 10 regions for AI development




A humanoid robot called Walker X plays Chinese chess at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai in June 2021. [Photo/CHINA DAILY]

The China Center for Information Industry Development (CCIID) released the China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Index Report on Friday in Hefei, Anhui province.

The report classified China's 31 provincial-level regions on the mainland into four groups based on evaluations of their development climate, innovative competence, basic supporting facilities, capital input and industrialization strengths.

Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai were listed as the leaders, while Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Sichuan and Hunan formed the group of challengers. The other regions are from the group of followers and group of niche regions.

The report was released during the opening ceremony of the 2022 iFlyTek 1024 Global Developer Festival, a three-day event that kicked off on Friday. IFlyTek is a Hefei-based AI developer.

Here are the top 10 regions and their comprehensive scores:

1. Beijing, 90.8

2. Guangdong, 81.9

3. Shanghai, 77.2

4. Zhejiang, 74.1

5. Jiangsu, 72.5

6. Anhui, 67.5

7. Sichuan, 67.1

8. Hunan, 61.5

9. Shandong, 59.1

10. Shaanxi, 57.7